Hi! I'm Aaron, I run the Bakery of free and delicious copy/paste Webflow components.
A simple and elegent button that, on hover, fills with a darker shade of the chosen colour.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA slick and understated animation for your hamburger menu.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewZooming hover interaction with a pop-up for a summary
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA simple and effective button that features a trailing glow on hover. Inspired by the Glow Button by Andreas Storm
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewHave a site that needs a blog? Here's some awesome cards to compliment your writing skills.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewThis can be used with the Webflow CMS, even with the cutaway text!
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewClever use of the Webflow slider, using a masked transition for the images.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewAdd some dynamism to your blog posts.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA simple and classic navigation with hover animation, mobile ready of course.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreviewA geometric interactive blog post or news item... or project item, whatever you use it for, I built it for the CMS.
Clone Webflow ProjectPreview